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Personality Test: Answers.
- If you see something like Tree, leaves, or stone , then you are a realist. But if you answer things that are rare possibilities such as tiger, lion etc., then you are not a realist, rather a dreamer. I don't know if its good thing being a dreamer or not, but you are not a realist.
- The lake in the question is supposed to symbolize sex. If you answer like " I'll go and take a dip in lake immediately, then you regard sex and relationship casually. You are in and out of the relationship frequently. If you ponder around it's beauty, take photographs etc, then you regard sex and relationship more valuable. You regard it highly.
- Empty bottle is supposed to mean how you value friendship. If you do anything with it,let’s say you touch it, kick it, or anything that has physical engagement, that means you value your friendship. If you go pass it just seeing it, that means that you don't value your friendship.
- This is supposed to mean how you see death. If you go inside the house, you are not afraid of death. If you look at it that means you are curious about it. If you run away, it means you are afraid of death.
- This wall is supposed to mean how you confront your problems. If you go past it, or find a way around it, it means that you will solve or go past the problem. If you are stuck there or return back , it simply means that you will either give up or get stuck to the problem.
This are just a general answers, based on abstract thinking. There is no wrong and right answer for this questions. You can debate about the answer, but I think the answer signifies the abstract thinking.
Anup Shrestha.